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Black sesame soy milk 黑芝麻豆漿

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  • 200g Soy beans
  • 600g Water
  • 20g Black sesame

Preparation steps:
  1. Wash and soak the soy beans fully under water for 16 hrs
  2. Cook the soy beans in water for 15 mins to soften them*
  3. Pour the soy beans into a food mixer
  4. Pour in water. "Water : beans" ratio is 3:1
  5. Pour in the black sesame
  6. Start the mixer, and mix them well
  7. Sieve the mixture through a piece of filter cloth
  8. Tadah! Now enjoy your fresh homemade soya milk!

Special Techniques:
  • Pour in the ingredients into the mixer little by little for a fine mixture
  • Cook the finished soya-milk to extend its storage life in a fridge (max. 3 days recommended)

Health Facts:
  • Soya bean is rich in phytoestrogen, a dietary estrogen
  • Black sesame is rich in Vit. B and E, and is good for the hair
  • As of 2010, over 90% of soya beans available in the market are genetically modified. Check-out this documentary movie "Food Inc."

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