Look up your favorite cantonese recipes

Wontons 雲吞

Wonton Posted by Picasa

Y: Your won-tons look very individualistic, like a mail-parcel.
B: How do you wrap them? I don't want to be different from others. (given B is an Irish post-doc in quantum Physics in DE.. :P)
B: Well... not in this way.

Skin: bought at Asian store... :P
Inhalts - Ingrediens:
  • Hackfleish vom Schwein - minced pork
  • Garnela -shrimps
  • Knoblauch - garlic
  • chinesische Pilse - Chinese mushrooms
  • Karotten - carrots
  • Reis-wein - rice wine
  • Soy-sauce - soy sauce
  • Sesame-Öl - sesame oil
  • Salz - salt
  • Pfeffer - pepper

炆紅燒肉 (北方烹調方法)

炆紅燒肉 (北方烹調方法) Posted by Picasa

  • 花腩肉 (豬)
  • 八角、川花椒、蒜
  • 生油、水、黑醋、豉油、米酒
  • 沙糖、鹽